In the social state to which we have come today, it is hard to imagine a nation which would live solely on bread and vegetables.
- Jean-Antheleme Brillat-Savari
The Physiology of Taste (1825)
- Jean-Antheleme Brillat-Savari
The Physiology of Taste (1825)
If tonight's meal was any indication, Monsieur Brillat-Savarin is totally in the wrong! Well, I'm not sure if a whole nation could survive just on flavourful soups and some tortillas, but I think I could.
Simply the thing that I am shall make me live.
- William Shakespeare
- William Shakespeare
And so said the bell pepper to the squash :) And the squash nodded vigorously as she said "Me too! Me too!" And then, both of them jumped into a pan, got roasted and ended up living in this fabulously tasty soup.

Roasted Bell Pepper'n'Squash Soup
I'm easy, I taste good, what more could you ask for? :)
I'm easy, I taste good, what more could you ask for? :)
Servings: 2 as an entree (or 4 as an appetizer)
2 red bell peppers - quartered
4 yellow squashes - sliced long and cut into chunks
1 t thyme
1 t marjoram
1 t olive oil
1 t red wine vinegar
1 t red pepper flakes
1/2 t honey
1/2 cup yogurt
salt'n'pepper to taste
Toss the bell pepper and squash chunks in a large bowl along with the herbs, pepper flakes, oil, honey and vinegar.
Pour the vegetables into a pan and broil them in the oven till the veggies just start to get charred.
Once cooled, puree the vegetables after adding the yogurt and some water.
Season with salt and pepper.
Garnish with a few drops of yogurt.

*bliss* The pepper and squash truly came to life in this soup, with the herbs making for a nice, mild seasoning. The soup was a happy dip for some whole wheat tortillas.
Erin, you got to have this one for WHB :) Thanks Kalyn for starting this trend!

looks delish :)
roasted red peppers are not nice to my body, yet i can't resist them. i love squash, too, so this soup sounds amazing. i've seen a lot of squash soup recipes this winter, but never one using yogurt--what kind did you use? oh, and by the way, your blog is great!
The soup looks lovely! A healthy one. Nice quotations too!
I don't think I've ever had a soup with these flavors. It sounds amazing!
Roasted and in a soup, that's got to be truly great tasting. Love the colour Kay!
That bowl of soup is so tempting.
This is one of my favorites too, except I use roasted onions instead of squash! this does look blissful indeed! nice one kaykat!:)
it looks so creamy...
looks very appetising :)
Yes, it does truly sound delicious! I love the charming bowl in the photo too.
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